May Excellence Programme for Sec 4E, 4N & 5N
Dear Parents and Students
In line with ministry guidelines, Canberra Secondary will be having a back-to-school transition before start of Term 3 to support our graduating class students. We will be inviting only our graduating students back to school on selected dates from Tuesday 19 May 2020 to Wednesday 27 May.Face-to-face sessions will be held in the school only for the following subjects:
- Mother tongue language (MTL) to prepare students for the upcoming mid-year National MTL exams
- Coursework subjects (e.g. Art, D&T, F&N) where students need to use school facilities to make up for the lost time to complete their coursework
- Science subjects which has practical sessions that require school facilities and teacher supervision
Students will be supported with online home-based learning for the other subjects during this period. Do refer to the timetable attached for the lesson schedule.The school has taken the following safety measures to ensure the well-being of staff and students. We seek the cooperation of students returning to comply with the following measures:
- Report on time according to schedule and to leave immediately for home after their lessons.
- Daily temperature checks will be done for students to screen out those who are unwell. Students who are unwell will not be allowed to join the classes.
- Check in on SafeEntry at the foyer before proceeding to the classrooms.
- Students on LOA/HQO/SHN or staying with household members on HQO/SHN/medical leave with flu-like symptoms are not allowed back to school during this period.
- Venues have been arranged to allow safe distancing between students. Students are to ensure social distancing at all times in class and outside class in the school premises.
- Students are to wear their own masks at all times in school.
- Students to practice good personal hygiene and continue wipe-down routine after use of the venue.
We look forward to supporting our students but seek the help of all to keep our students and staff safe during this period.Thank you.Time-table (19 May - 27 May): 4E1, 4E2, 4E3, 4E4, 4N1, 4N2, 5N1